Frequency and duration of the application should be adjusted according to the type and severity of the condition, adults should use the bath oil frequently (at least 3 times per week) whilst neonates and infants should be treated daily.
The following quantities are recommended: (If the skin requires considerable moisturising, 2-3 times these quantities can be used)
Adults (including the elderly)
For full bath (~100L) 20ml
For partial bath (~5L) 2.5ml
Pediatric population (neonates and children)
For bath (~25L) 5ml
For neonates and children daily application is recommended.
Method of administration
After shaking the bottle, Balneum Plus should be added to the bath water and mixed well.
A partial bath may be required when condition is localised e.g. the arm.
The temperature of the bath water should not exceed 36 °C as the regreasing effect is diminished at higher temperatures.
For the treatment of pruritus the temperature should be 32 °C or as low as can be tolerated.
The bath should not be longer than 20 minutes. In the case of infants and small children a bath of only a few minutes is mostly sufficient.
The duration of the therapy depends on the course of the disease. The instructions in the section 4.4 “Special warnings and precautions for use” should be taken into account.
Balneum Plus can also be used in the shower. In this case the preparation should first be evenly applied over the body without dilution. Subsequently the excess is removed under the shower. Soap, which would remove the desired oil film on the skin, should not be used.
Excessive rinsing with water after the bath counteracts the therapeutic action of Balneum Plus.
After a bath or shower the skin should only be lightly dabbed with a towel. Vigorous wiping and rubbing decreases the therapeutic effect.